騒ぐ烏も団子一つ、騒がぬ烏も団子一つ Sawagu karasu mo dango hitotsu(1), sawaganu karasu mo dango hitotsu(1).

  • 解釈:騒いでも騒がなくても結果は同じということ。どうあがいてみても、一生は一生であるというたとえ。
  • Literal:Also in the crow which makes noise, a dumpling is one. Also in the crow which does not make noise, a dumpling is one.
  • Interpretation:However it may try hard, life is life.
  • 類義:泣いても笑っても一生。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.